Discover our Amazing Local Businesses
Our directory is full of great local businesses offering quality services and products.
Please have a look through – you will find all sorts of businesses you never knew existed, right on your doorstep – as well as your favourites!
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Classic Imprints
One of the best ways to advertise your business is by having the name of your company and telephone number on the front or back of your workwear.
Personalised Shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirt and fleeces can all be colour printed by heatpress, sublimation ink or embroidered with you name, logo, telephone number or web address.
We can cater for any number from 1 upwards. There is a small setup fee for embroidered logos as we have to arrange for your logo to be digitised into a format that the machine recognises.
We can put full colour photos onto a wide range of items from shirts, mugs, clock faces, iPad and iPhone cases… please visit our website where you can design your own or simply contact us and we’ll design it for you.