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Exmoor Ales Ltd
Exmoor Ales typically would be categorised as a small regional brewer.
Founded in 1980, it was then amongst the first wave of “Micro Breweries”. The business has invested and expanded progressively becoming the leading cask ale supplier in the immediate region, directly delivering to around 300 outlets and nationally well represented in the well known pub companies on a regular or guest ale basis.
Exmoor had a “flying start” during its early life by winning the Best Bitter national award at the GBBF in 1980…with only its 13th brew. The beer was known simply as “Exmoor Ale“, being a classic 3.8% session beer. Many further awards were to follow, and today remains the backbone of the range in the region.
Exmoor’s reputation for innovation and quality is well marked by its multiple award-winning “Exmoor Gold“, being the first single malt “Golden Ale“, which then started up whole new category of cask ale style throughout the country.