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Silvermaze Ltd
Silvermaze produce a co-ordinated modular town centre information system which includes:
- 2D & 3D Map creation
- Interactive websites
- Print including the patented VistaGram Little Book and large scale enlargements for signage
- Walls and window decals.
Welcome to the world of maps and more
Although renowned for cartographic work, Silvermaze is a design, website, and print company, servicing both custom maps and non-mapping projects.
Our long experience in providing products for town centre management has led to the development of our VistaGram® Town Centre Way-finding System. The modular system includes Street Maps, Websites, Mobile Apps as well as Small and Large Format Print
The VistaGram® system which ‘begins with a map’ has a ‘one map fits all’ policy and the ‘one-stop shop’ operation ensures a seamless fit and offers convenience, efficiency and economy.