Can Your Business Offer Work Experience to a Kingsmead Student?
Please see this post from Shelly Cozens – Work Experience Co-ordinator at Kingsmead
The uncertainty of life has been a challenge for us, as adults, for most of the past year. We have encountered a moment in history that has changed our perspective on many things and much has been made on the lasting impact the pandemic will have on industry and employment as we move forward. As adults, it is our responsibility to offer hope to the young people of our community and highlight the range of new and existing opportunities available to them.
With this in mind, we at Kingsmead School have made the decision to allow our annual work experience programme to take place in July of this year.
From 19th – 23rd July, our year 10 students are being encouraged to seek a work-based placement with a variety of employers in the local area. Whilst not all students will find their ‘dream occupation’ during this time we are keen for them to develop the skills that will enable them to be successful in future.
School life is vastly different than the world of work, however actions speak louder than words. It doesn’t matter how many times we remind them of this, experiencing it for themselves is the key.
Currently, we are appealing to local businesses and employers to help make this vision a reality. We currently have in excess of 100 students looking for placements. Students would be expected to complete a 5-day placement during regular working hours.
We are looking for a wide range of opportunities that will be collated and then offered to students. Some have applied for placements but, quite understandably, some employers aren’t able to help.
Prior to the placements taking place, you will be visited by a representative from the South Somerset 14-19 Partnership who carry out the relevant Health and Safety and risk assessment checks. We would ask that public liability insurance is in place also.
Once businesses and students have been matched, we would encourage students to contact the business to start developing the relationship.
You really could make a difference to a young person during that week. I remember my work experience placement fondly and it led to 7 years working with that company before I did my teacher training. If you could offer a placement or would like to discuss this further, please contact
Shelly Cozens