The NatWest Bank in Wivey is due to close at the end of November.
Here is an update on our campaign on behalf of local businesses and the community, to keep the branch in Wivey open:
- The film made by the youth group has 25 interviews and we are working on an Introduction and Concluding piece before it goes on YouTube / media
- We believe that our branch has a lot more usage than NatWest are claiming as the reason for the closure
- Over 575 people have signed the petition
- The 2 local MPs have taken up with NatWest the proposed closure
- We have written twice to RBS/NatWest about the closure, and have now written to Sir Philip Hampton, Chairman of RBS (as per attached)
- We have been liaising with Toby Walne, the financial journalist who has written a major piece on the NatWest and its proposed closures – all of which are in rural areas.
- NatWest have told him they are still following their policy of not closing last bank branches in a town, of which Wivey is one.
- NatWest are losing almost 3 times as many customers as they are gaining, whereas other banks/building societies are gaining significant numbers
Wivey and 10 Parishes Business Group
“Inspiring Business to Thrive in Wiveliscombe & the 10 Parishes”