Video – Here’s what the people of Wiveliscombe Say
about NatWest’s closure of the last bank in Wivey, affecting local people and businesses alike.
Wiveliscombe And 10 Parishes Business Group
Inspiring Business to Thrive in Wiveliscombe and the Ten Parishes
about NatWest’s closure of the last bank in Wivey, affecting local people and businesses alike.
The NatWest Bank in Wivey is due to close at the end of November.
Here is an update on our campaign on behalf of local businesses and the community, to keep the branch in Wivey open:
Wivey and 10 Parishes Business Group
“Inspiring Business to Thrive in Wiveliscombe & the 10 Parishes”
At a time when economic recovery on the ground is still fragile, and when rural communities are struggling to maintain the local services they need, businesses and the public in Wiveliscombe and the 10 Parishes have been dealt a blow by the surprise announcement of the closure of the NatWest Bank in Wivey.
“ Nat West, in a major advertising campaign just two years ago, pledged to keep branches local, and to stay open where they are the only bank present in a town” said Heather Harvey, Chair of Retail & Infrastructure for the 10 Parishes Business Group.
“So does this mean a bank’s promise means less than those of its loyal customers who have relied on the bank’s services over many years?”
Wiveliscombe and the 10 Parishes is the third largest area in Taunton Deane – yet NatWest, in a letter to customers received this week, want businesses and customers young, old, fit or with a disability to make the fifteen mile round trip to Wellington town centre to use the recently refurbished – and now largely automated – branch of the bank there.
For those with a car this is at the very least inconvenient and expensive, but for those relying on public transport it will often be impossible. Recent cuts to bus services have left only the bare bones of a service to and from Wellington, and a trip into Taunton and back on the more regular service is costly and, at an hour one way, time consuming.
“The suggestion that customers use online banking or automated branches shows a lack of understanding of local small businesses” Heather said.
“The retail sector still involves many cash transactions and paying large sums into a machine is not secure and will be unsafe if, as Nat West suggests, we have to travel long distances carrying large sums of money.”
The risk of opportunist theft, and more planned attacks based on the necessity for routine trips into town, will be of real concern to many.
The letter to customers mentions the possibility of an arrangement with the Post Office, whereby they will be able to pay in cash and cheques over the counter of the branch in West Street.
However, discussions with the bank indicate that this is not guaranteed and that the agreement is unlikely to be in place before the planned closure of the bank in November. This can only leave those reliant on local services – the elderly, the disabled and those with young children, as well as small businesses – more isolated and increase rural exclusion.
The 10 Parishes Business Group is also concerned at the lack of consultation with the community, as there have been no posters in the branch and staff, who were unaware that the letter had been sent by Head Office, were sworn to secrecy and encouraged to tell customers to use online banking facilities. These are of little use to the many elderly people reliant on the bank, or others concerned over the possible security issues online banking raises.
“It is so short-sighted” continued Heather Harvey, “We will have a significant increase in our local population in the coming years, as new houses are built in the town. If we want them to use local businesses, we need banking facilities or new residents will drive into Taunton or Wellington, rather than using local shops and other trades.”
10PBG will be working hard in the coming weeks to do whatever we can to hold NatWest to its original promise to stay local and we have written to RBS.
We have started a petition which already has over 500 signatures. Please do sign a copy in the Bear or in Carousel Pig.
Continued lobbying and raising awareness of the closure in the local press will make sure NatWest Head Office is aware of the particular needs of the Wiveliscombe area community, including businesses.
Please do sign the petition and/or add your comments below or comment on our Facebook or Twitter pages.
Photo by Wellington Weekly News
On Thursday 24 July, the Mayor and Mayoress of Taunton, Councillor and Ms Durdan, unveiled a new Town Centre Map for Wiveliscombe, located in Croft Way Car Park.
The Map shows local shops, businesses and services and is the culmination of a project run by the 10 PBG Retail subgroup, chaired by Heather Harvey (The Bear / Wivey Larder) over the last year.
Surveys and research had shown that retailers felt this was an important priority to help new visitors discover the range of businesses and services available in Wivey.
The Map itself was designed by Derek Reed (Silvermaze) who is a member of the marketing subgroup and designs maps for councils and businesses right across the UK and very generously designed the map on an entirely voluntary basis.
The Street Map was been on display in the library for some time during the consultation process.
As a result of Heather’s and Derek’s voluntary work, the Street Map has been provided at no cost to local retailers and here they both receive a Card thanking them for their efforts.
Thanks too to Taunton Deane Economic Development and Car Park teams, who provided invaluable support.
A second copy of the Street Map will also be provided in the North Street car park, very soon.
Wivey + 10 Parishes Business Group
A mentor can make all the difference to success or failure in business and the announcement that a new company, Cornerstone Enterprise Support Ltd, has been formed to provide just such help and assistance is excellent news.
The entire operation is run by volunteers and the company is not-for-profit, so the service can be provided free of charge.
Mentoring will be available through Cornerstone to businesses in Wivey and the 10 Parishes, as well as across our wider local area.
The chair of the company, David Lewis, said recently:
‘’This programme has already had great success over the last 18 months and we are now ready to carry it forward; we have a core group of mentors who are well versed in running a business and we look forward to being able to help people start and grow both new and existing businesses’’.
If anyone wishes to learn more they can contact the company at and there are links on the web sites of West Somerset and Taunton Deane who are providing support for this new venture; Cornerstone will be launching it’s own site in the near future.
Over 40 local businesses packed the Sports Hall for a great day of displays and demonstrations – appealing to the public and other businesses alike.
The very first Showcase provided a great opportunity to discover some of the more unusual businesses hidden within our area, as well as your favourites.
Exhibitors included every kind of business, from artistic illustrators, photographers, jewellery and even mapping… to local sawmills, engineers, building supplies and electrical services.
From therapists, fitness, dance and health products to care and products for the elderly – and not forgetting your pets.
From housebuilders, estate agents and solicitors to biomass energy. From websites to newspapers, plus local business support, apprenticeships and courses, along with WAP and In the Mix. There was something for everyone.
The entertainments included very popular professional cookery demos and valuations by Antiques Roadshow expert Christopher Hampton.
Local musicians including Johnny Mars, Jon Maybey, Reuben Katz and friends on piano, plus Fodo and Louise Toomer provided some wonderful music – and a great background for a spot of business networking too.
Plus there was delicious local food and drink to sample – including both our local breweries, Cotleigh and Exmoor.
Showcase was kindly sponsored by Porter Dodson solicitors and Taunton Deane Borough Council.
Many thanks to everyone who supported us, Exhibitors, Sponsors, entertainers, the fabulous team from the Zambia exchange scheme at Kingsmead, who provided teas coffees and cake – and who also helped with all the setting up.
Plus of course, the members of our Marketing subgroup who worked tirelessly to organise the event.
Anthony Porter of local accountants Amherst & Shapland covered topics such as:
Every single business that attended discovered new ways to reduce their tax bill – Anthony’s presentation was so stimulating that the session lasted twice as long as anticipated!
“Thank you for organising Antony Porter to come and speak to us this week.
I found the evening very useful and interesting. An easy way to lower my tax bill.
Many thanks” Claire Fisher
We will be running more workshops and events later in the year.
To contact Anthony and Amherst & Shapland Wiveliscombe please visit their website at www.
Winning Public Sector Contracts – Weds 26 March
Free Session at Somerset Cricket Club : 8 – 10 am
Taunton Deane BC are running a morning session on winning public sector contracts.
It’s ideal for small businesses, including electricians and plumbers, who want to be approved for Council work, as well as for larger businesses.
For more info, please see the flyer below:
The session is free, but you do need to book in advance Click Here >>>
Local Council support for Business Mentoring has been uncertain over recent months.
So we are very pleased to be able to confirm that the existing programme to supply volunteer mentors at no cost to businesses is still available in West Somerset as well as parts of Taunton Deane and Sedgemoor (including Wiveliscombe and the 10 Parishes area).
The future programme will be extended to the whole of Somerset and should be up and running by the end of March 2014.
It is anticipated that this will be managed as a social enterprise through a not-for-profit company, but otherwise will provide the same volunteer based service as hitherto.
The Wivey and 10 Parishes Business Group will play a major role in the ongoing management of this organisation.
Full details will be published when all the pieces are in place, but suffice is to say that this is great news for our businesses and for those intending to start businesses.
Watch the Movie Here.
Dozens of fantastic small local businesses took part in the First National Small Business Saturday on 7th December 2013.